Burlington County Historians’ Roundtable
Saturday, June 18, 2011 - Evesham Library - 10 am till noon
Followed by a light luncheon at the Inskeep HouseCourtesy of Evesham Historical Society
Hosted by – Joe Laufer, Burlington County Historian, Paul Schopp and Dave Kimball
In attendance: 51
National History Day: Judy Olsen, trustee for the Burlington County Historical Society & Library, reported on Agenda #8 – Getting High School Student interested in History Projects. Mrs. Olsen reported on the Kids & History National History Day. There are opportunities for individual students 6 th grade through high school and groups to compete on the state, regional and national level. The state competitions take place on May 1 st with the National History Day, a 40-year-old competition, taking place at the University of Maryland during the second week of June. A junior high school in Cherry Hill won the silver medal. The state also took four other National prizes. According to Olsen, citing recent research information, we need to reach students before the age of seven in order to establish the love of history. She will draft a letter to teachers informing them of this competition. Joe Laufer will follow up with the County Superintendent to discuss this history project and competition.
History Faire at the Farm Fair: Dick Toone, President of the Springfield Historical Society, discussed the Farm Fair, July 20 – 23. Passes will be issued for historical group exhibitors along with available parking near the history tent. Please contact Joe Laufer if you are planning on setting up an exhibit at our History Faire at the County Fair.
Future dates and venues for Historians’ Roundtable: Discussion took place concerning our Fall schedule. These are the dates and venues (since confirmed by Joe Laufer):
Saturday, September 24, 2011 – 10 a.m. till noon: Batsto Visitor Center
Saturday, October 22, 2011 – 10 a.m. till noon: Roebling Museum
Saturday, December 3, 2011 – 10 a.m. - noon: Burlington Co. Library Auditorium
The majority of those in attendance favored day meetings as opposed to evening meetings.
Web Presence: Paul Schopp discussed the Roundtable’s web presence with a Face Book page or Yahoo Group. After discussion of this topic it will be taken under advisement and will be reported at the next meeting.
News of Historical Interest - Bob Von Bargen of the Armed Forces Heritage House discussed the establishment of a museum to be located outside the gate at Ft. Dix. Right now all museum pieces are located in different areas around McGuire, Ft. Dix and Lakehurst.
Sherry Scull of Pemberton is in the process of completing Civil War biographies on Burlington County veterans. She needs the support of other local societies to submit information on their veterans. Most of the information is on the veterans of the 23 rd Yahoos. She updated the Roundtable regarding the situation at the Pemberton Historical Society’s museum at the old RR depot and lockout at the depot.
Camp Dark Waters – Witmer Stone – September 30 – October 2. Programs will take place at Medford Leas. To find out more go to www.witmerstoneweekend.com
# 6. News of Historical Interest
History of Farming website – Joe Laufer has been asked to work on the History of Farming and will be gathering information and photographs. Mike Eck has been posting images of farming in Burlington County. Here is a state website with farm photographs - http://www.state.nj.us/state/darm/links/agphotos.html
Paul Schopp mentioned the State Archive’s website, left side of column, digitized collection - great collection regarding CW Soldiers and US Colored Troops.
Discussion continued with the archeological digs at White Hill – Saturdays - May 28 – July 2. The Timbucktoo dig is taking place on the hill above the cemetery and the dig at Point Breeze in Bordentown.
#7. Updates on themes
Joe Laufer encouraged the historical societies to research their area Civil War veterans. Crossroad of the American Revolution site previewed along with the historical marker contestant’s submissions. Log onto the site and vote for your favorite.
#8. Getting students involved in History
Don’t forget to involve the local scouts in history projects – an Eagle Scout Project or Gold Project for a girl scout. Also projects involving videotaping oral histories.
#9. Discussion of recent issues
We have lost most of Salem Road. According to Paul Schopp this road was established as part of West Jersey in 1681. There is still a section in Burlington. It was discussed that if Willingboro changes the name that they either leave a portion of the road as Salem Road and/or place a marker with the following - This was once Salem Road and the history of the road highlighted. The Pemberton and Burlington Island issues were discussed with no obvious solution at this time. The Atsion Mansion was also included in this discussion. The mansion has been restored and is never open to the public. It was mentioned that the mansion has one full-time employee. It was brought to our attention by one of the representatives of the Alice Paul Institute that this is a national problem and that we consult the American Association of State and Local History and the American Association of Museums on how to address these issues. They meet in September in Richmond, Virginia.
Looking for something to do with your out-of-town visitors - Burlington County Library has free museum passes that county residents can checkout of the library.
In Your Own Backyard, Passport to Historic & Natural Burlington County were distributed. Please check for any corrections and inform Joe Laufer.
A special thank-you is extended to the Evesham Historical Society for the delicious lunch and tour of the house.
The Historians’ Roundtable will not meet during July and August. See you in September at Batsto.
Summarization by Alice Smith